change together –  open up perspectives –  protect the vulnerable

Regional Cooperation

The program of regional cooperation includes regional development in the areas of health, education and village development. The selected measures have a direct impact on people’s quality of life.

In a priority region of Singida, work is carried out with the village communities of selected villages over three to five years. The projects are aimed particularly at the weaker members of society, especially the rural population, women and girls.

Following a needs assessment and selection process, work began in 2018 in the two districts of Ikhanoda and Mwasauya. This marked the successful completion of the program in Singida Rural (2014-2018) with the focus villages of Itaja, Kinyamwenda, Mughamo and Mjura with the construction of a Charko Dam (water retention basin) and an evaluation.

Our local partner organization involves the regional and local government representatives in the different project phases. As an NGO, we see ourselves as a mediator between government services and the people.

  • Health

    – Qualified personnel
    – Lower maternal & infant mortality
    – No deficiency & malnutrition

  • Education

    – Qualified staff
    – Conducive working & learning environment
    – Professional teaching

  • Empowerment of Girls

    – Self-determination
    – Raising awareness
    – Capable of acting

Upendo Home for street children and orphans

Since its foundation in 2008, the Upendo Home has developed into a home for around 40 street children. Children and adolescents live on the streets of Singidas city because their parents are addicted, violent, sick or deceased. They are unable to feed the children or care for them properly.

They are admitted to the Upendo Home according to established admission criteria. Their new home covers basic needs such as food and accommodation, provides relationship and community, a safe place and education. The children and young people are supported according to their abilities and talents and if necessary they receive psycho-social support.

Between the ages of 18 and 22, the young people leave the home. The challenge for all involved is to prepare and accompany the transition to an independent life well.

Upendo in Kiswahili, the most widely spoken lingua franca in East Africa, means love and affection and is a popular first name in Tanzania.

  • Home

    – Basic Needs
    – Safety
    – Protection

  • Unfold

    – Education
    – Development
    – Integrity

  • Empowerment

    – Community
    – Self Confidence
    – Opportunities

TUMAINI School, boarding school for deaf children

A total of 84 children attend the school. The dedicated team of teachers and caregivers has been lovingly caring for the deaf children for many years. A big problem is communication. Especially the parents can only communicate with their children to a very limited extent. Training in sign language and training materials and aids for self-training have changed the situation considerably. There is more exchange and acceptance between parents and children. Teachers are supported by training grants to train and expand their capabilities in the classroom. The construction of toilets and the distribution of sanitary pads to the girls is also an important part of a humane education in Tumaini School.

Salzburg – Singida has supported the school for many years. Two fully equipped classrooms and two teachers’ offices, dining hall and kitchen were built, the beds and mattresses got renewed.

For the Tanzanian government, the promotion of deaf and vision-impaired children is a priority in the education sector. NGOs in particular are committed to inclusion here and are trying to advance the government’s ambitious goals or at least take the first steps.

Tumaini School